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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

silence and solitude

Koto anuranan, koto spondon,Koto jigyasha, koto bhalobasha.

Somoy egiye jaye, jibon kete jaaye.

smriti aar bismriti hoye jaaye ekakar

Ei jibon e koto anuronon, koto spondon.

I sometimes find I'm drifting,Through this life without any effect, often wonder if I'm truly worth what I've been blessed. I search through days that have been hard,To try to understand,The many trials that I have known,The life that I have had.

You see me in my daily grind,So confident and strong.Yet when everybody retires after the end of the day, when I am alone, I question Just where I belong.I often try too hard I find,To analyze and guess,To scrutinize, investigate about my life. i find no answer . Someday I will confess.For somewhere deeper, there must be some meaning to this life, Some way to make a difference,Give a reason for this quest. Is there some hidden meaning?Some agenda to be found?A greater purpose waiting If I care to hang for some more time?sometimes It teases and it taunts me,Always slightly out of sight,A hazy vision out of reach,Where darkness hides the light.I struggle to bring clarity,to what awaits me there, And yet this weak illusion always fades before my stare.It seems the harder that I try,To focus through the blurred, Just serves to add more questions,Through my endless, tired gaze.Perhaps I'm trying just too hard,To understand it all,For can we ever truly know just what we have in silence?Each incident, each moment passed,Just adds upon the next,But in the end, will I find truth ...Or will I be cursed?Perhaps I make it harder than it has to be sometimes,But will my searching bring to me my meaning over time?Or will it leave me broken and confused, as I feel now,While questions brings me just utter silence and solitude.