

missing you...

Love Less

Love Less
Can you Find Love?

Remember me

Remember me

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The abstract life.

As we pass through the numerous crossroads of life we come across many who accompany us in this journey of myriad experiences. Underlying this is a resonance, a chord which strikes between me and your abstract beauty.relation between you and me which never can be defined.

Among the darkest nights i find myself into the incandescent light consumed By the lean and famished moon;A sweeping typhoon, I am befallen to the thin air .Whose lulling dissipates with clandestine fog.Suspect nothing but the barren log-Shelter, solace, I spotted thee Aghast within the perpetual distance And growing farther by the reminiscence. Effrevescent daggers lunged at the blue colossus,"Thy blood lies, but the fruit of mine own Toil and passed stone thousand burdens burning brightly,Efface from my peripheral sight!"The swipes were beholden from a boisterous hand, Striking flesh upon the Tattered's command. i lament betwixt subtle seas for only the pride in myheart for you. Desire to lie in the brazen bone Of centuries holding you close to my heart hence condoned. I shot back the vacant, cold stare which stood lifeless as my inability to snatch you from destiny .Whence faces drew the irein, my self-perpetuated fire ,to bare the calling towards the blackest abyss ,as my body curls heavyly with the ground.i just want your lips to touch mine just for my last mortal kiss. for i shall live for eternity blesssed by your love.