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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Losing Grip

Help me find a way
for the things i have done
losing grip

So many thins I've said
have gotten into your head
losing grip again

trying to figure out why i dam doing this
why am i hurting you like this
losing grip once more

your gettin upset
i can see i'm doing damage
i'll give myself one more chance. i'm hanging by a thread.

i've finally snapped. i've got you trapped
you'll leave me
i've finally lost grip .....


Catherine said...

hello. sorry - i don't speak very good french - if you are french? But i have to say that i LOVE LOVE LOVE your poems so much! i write poems too. sometimes i have them on my blog -
most of them are on past posts though. my blog is not as mature as yours - i am only 12 - but could you still visit it? Thank you so much - Catherine
ps. love the pictures!

gitte said...

hmmm... i know exactly what you mean with this poëm... i did this and i'm going trough the exact same thing that you've written :-( so sad!!!
did you go trough the same in the past?

(i'm sorry for my english :-) )